Thank you for checking out our events. This is the place where you will find what we are up to and how you can be a part of it. From meetups to art explosions and everything in between. This is the place to check along with our social media accounts Instagram, Twitter, Facebook to stay in the know about what we are doing.
Walk to Support! April 2021
This April, the And They Spoke team is gearing up to create more awareness around our mission to eradicate sexual assault in our world. The sad truth is you don’t know one person who has been affected by sexual assault, you know many. We all saw a national movement expose just how prevalent this trauma was a few years ago through #metoo stories. We want to start moving the dial on progress.
Through the entire month of April, we will be clocking miles through Strava (a free app) as a way to bring more awareness to our organization’s mission. Please join our club and clock your activity – whether it is walking, running, swimming, or biking and help spread the word! If you already exercise this is easy! If you don’t this is a reason to get out there! We will be posting more updates as we get closer to April! Join Us Today!…#eradicatesexualassault#metoomovement#moveyourbody#andtheyspoke#sexualassault

Presentation October 14, 2019
Join us as we continue our push for mandatory consent education in schools. There will be educators from around the country. Open to all.
Survivor and Support Campaign 2019
We have launched our 2019 online campaign. We are looking for survivors and supporters to share their stories as we show the community of strength that we are! Please follow us on our social media Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, contact us, and let us help you contribute to building our community. “We have a voice we will not allow it to be silenced.”
April 13th 2019 8 am presentation at Barnes and Noble then 11 am “End The Silence Walk” Palmer Square!
We have been given the opportunity to present about the And They Spoke mission on the morning of April 13th! This is an important co-event on a very important day for us. We hope you can make either event!

April 13th 2019 “End The Silence Walk”
April is sexual assault awareness month. This will be our first organized event to demonstrate and bring attention to the issues surrounding sexual violence of any kind. We hope that you will join us, walk with us, and then celebrate our strength and collective voice. Our planned route will begin in the heart of Princeton NJ at Palmer Square @11am Saturday, April 13th. From there we will walk as a collective to the Princeton Battle Fields where we will hear from our guest speakers. It is our hope you will join us whether a survivor or a supporter. Further details will be released so check back here often!
Follow our social media accounts Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and check here for further details on how you can either support or be involved! We are stronger together than alone in silence!
Volunteers are always needed and welcomed if you would like to help in any capacity please click here and we will be in touch.